Privacy Policy pursuant to article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016


This mobile software (herein after referred to as “Arianna”)  is developed, tested and managed by Zucchetti Centro Sistemi SpA.

Since in order to use Arianna you are requested to provide us with data referring to your person(“Personal Data”  according to the European General Data Protection Regulation  2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”), we want hereby inform you in regard to our privacy policy with respect to the data processing.

Data Controller

The Data Controller is the entity which determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data. In this case the Data Controller is  Zucchetti Centro Sistemi Spa with registered office in Terranuova (AR), Via Lungarno no. 305/A – 01262190513 – 0559197200 – – .

Personal Data Collected

The expression Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘Data Subject’)

Through Arianna the Data Controller collects the following categories of data:

  1. a) Personal Data you provide willingly in order to enable and to use Arianna, by voice command or manually. The data which belong to this category are contact details such as your e-mail address and information regarding your relationship with the company (for instance, if you are an employee or a cooperator).
  2. b) browsing data we receive automatically from you because of your use of Arianna. This data are not collected in the specific aim to be associated to you, anyway they could allow us to identify the Data Subject by processing them together with further data received from third parties. This group of data includes information such as date and time of any login, the kind of device you use to access the App as well as the IP address and the position thereof, the inquiries submitted to the App and the answers you received and so on. In this regard we inform you that in order to ensure the proper functioning of the Website, it might be useed technical cookies (session cookies)

Purposes and legal basis of the processing

General Purposes

The Personal Data which we collect will be processed to allow Arianna to work correctly and to let us perform those operations which are necessary, such as the identification of the user during the login proceeding, voice recognition and the supplying of the required services. The Personal Data will be also used, if it is necessary, to fulfill all the fiscal, accounting, commercial  and contractual obligations as well as to perform all the activities required to the company by laws, regulations or EC legislation, in any case with regard to the contractual relationship in force.  Your consent to process your personal data for this purpose is not mandatory, anyway if you don’t consent you may not to be able to use Arianna or some of its functionalities.

Methods of processing

The Personal Data shall be processed by means both automated and manual system in compliance with the Regulation and its criteria. The data shall be processed according to the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency.

The Personal Data shall be processed during the time strictly necessary to satisfy the purpose they are processed for.

It may be used also automated process, such as profiling.

Appropriate technical and organizational measures has been implemented to ensure a level of security appropriate to prevent the risk of data breach and data loss, illegal uses or misuses thereof or unauthorized access. Despite of the aforementioned, given the typical nature of any web data transmission system, it is impossible to exclude at all any potential risks, hence we suggest you to check your device security status in order to verify if it is equipped with all necessary protection measures. Besides, we suggest you to keep reserved the login credentials as well as your personal account and to change your password frequently.

Disclosure of data to third parties

Your Personal Data shall not be “released”, i.e. shall not revealed to unidentified entities. However, these data may be “communicated”, i.e. reviled to identified entities, both public and private according to laws, regulations or EC legislation or in order to satisfy the purposes of processing abovementioned.

In particular your Personal Data may be reviled to: (i) employees or cooperators (such as consultants) of the Data Controller; (ii) Subsidiaries or holding; (iii) third parties, such as suppliers for services related to the functionalities of Arianna (eg. Supplier of technical or technological services, hosting services, online payments, assistance or maintenance services, as well as banks and so on).

The subjects different from the Data Controller and its employees (authorized persons) shall be nominated as Data processor according to the art. 28 of the Regulation and they will provide the same or equal protection of user data as stated in the Arianna privacy policy.

Transfer of Personal Data

Your Personal Data shall be processed mainly in Italy or within other member states of the European Union. However, in the aim of the purpose of processing listed above, it could be necessary to transfer the data toward extra European countries. In this case, the data transfer shall be performed pursuant to the articles 44 and following of the Regulation.

Data storage term

Your Personal Data will be stored for the period of time strictly necessary to reach the purposes of processing listed above or until the Data Subject revokes the consent or, in any case, for the maximum terms under the law wherever necessary to keep processing those data to comply with law or Public Authority/Supervisions orders. When the term of storage determinate according to the above is expired, your Personal Data shall be destroyed or anonymised.

Data Subject’s rights

According to the art. 3, paragraph 2, b), c), d) of the Regulation, you are entitled to claim your rights against the Data Controller, including the revoking of the expressed consent, filing your request to Zucchetti Centro Sistemi SpA, Terranuova Braciolini n. 305/A – 52028 – Arezzo, or by writing to the e-mail address or We inform you that your rights are the following:

If you desire to anonymize your Personal Data which has been collected, you can accede the Arianna Tool menu and select the specific function. If you do it, your Personal Data shall be irreversibly altered in such a way that you (as data subject) can no longer be identified directly or indirectly. We also want to inform you that if you decide to anonymize your Personal Data by means the aforementioned function, also your mail address, used as user's credential, will be permanently removed from the system, hence you will not be able to login as the same user again.


Zucchetti Centro Sistemi SpA is the exclusively owner of the App. All rights on graphic design, imagines and texts within Arianna are reserved.


The Data Controller is entitled to modify this policy in any time. We suggest you to check the dedicated section of Arianna frequently.